Platinum Cured Silicone Cord (60° Shore)

Platinum Cord Cropped

Platinum Cured Silicone Cord (60° Shore)

From £62.50 Exc VAT

In stock

From £62.50 Exc VAT

Platinum cured silicones offer a number of advantages over conventional peroxide cured silicones. Favoured by the food and beverage industry, our cord is FDA compliant and non-yellowing with no peroxide by-products. It also has a high tear strength with excellent clarity and a high gloss finish.

Silex cords are used for a huge variety of applications, from decorative, art and design, to industrial, automotive, electrical and HVAC.

Our platinum grade silicone cord is stocked in translucent, black, blue and red in diameters from 1-5mm, but is available in almost any colour or size upon request. Please contact our Sales team for any enquiries.

Additional information

Size (OD)

1.0mm, 1.5mm, 2.0mm, 3.0mm, 4.0mm, 5.0mm

Length (mtrs)


